Tuesday, July 7, 2015


While suntanning in the beautiful smog this morning, i literally tripped over an article in USA Today. Somebody had been using it to clean out their crack pipe and carelessly tossed it on the sidewalk where it had lodged embedding itself between two slabs. The photo piqued my interest immediately. There it was, a full blown picture of a rabbit, and we eat rabbits around here. Already sure this was an agent of the Globalist New World Order Agenda, i started examining the article for clues and into the rabbit hole i fell . . .

You WON'T BELIEVE what left one Denver pilot stranded at the airport! (It's a rabbit.) -- Jelisa Castrodale, USA Today Travel,

"many German cars have wires that have a soy based coating",
and so following the payoff scheme of the Globalist Cabal, it became obvious the German cars were at the bottom of this vicious attack on private American citizens.  And who is it that makes German cars? The enemy of the Wolf-wagon of course,  BMW!  Note how sinister this plot really is; BMW has totally avoided cancer causing coatings like PVC!

According to the Washington Times "A new study finds that the most aggressive drivers on the road are men between the ages of 35 and 50 who drive blue BMWs."  Obviously mind control is in play here by the Khazarian Nazi German puppet masters.  And who else just happens to live in Washington DC?  Why Charles Kenny, the Globalist, of course; senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a columnist for BusinessWeek and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy.

And so there we have it, folks.  The top man on the pyramid of NWO Globalist Agenda has been exposed to be Kenny himself!




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