Sunday, July 5, 2015

Press Roped Down By Aides at Hillary Event | The Weekly Standard

The press was roped down by aides today at Hillary Clinton event in New Hampshire. Photos of the press corps following Clinton at a July 4 parade were shared today on Twitter and Snapchat.

Blogged 3:43 PM, Jul 4, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER


  1. To be fair, i think she's looking wonderful now that she can afford her old hairdresser again. For awhile there, i thought she was doing a gender change to rope in the transgendered vote.

  2. This woman's hideous behavior guarantees a Neo-Con in the Whitehouse in 2016. No matter...Dems and Reps: 2 heads of the same snake

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
